LGV Pass Plus option now available.
Like you, we want you to pass your test first time. And our pass rates are excellent due mainly to our highly qualified trainers. But test fails happen. The DVSA test rate for Vocational Licences is currently 49% overall. Failing a test means taking a re-test. And that doesn’t mean just jumping in the truck a few days later and taking your test again. Another couple of hours training, use of the truck for the test and the test fee will set you back £300 with us, maybe more elsewhere.
Thats why we’ve introduced a Pass Plus Option to our courses. Should you need a retest you get up to 2 retests included in the Pass Plus Option. Each retest includes 2 hours pre test training, use of the truck for the test, and the DSA test fee at no extra cost. The cost of 2 Pass Plus retests are priced at less than 2 normal retests.
However if you pass first or second time there is no refund of the remaining fee. Think of it as an insurance policy in case you need to claim your retests.